A Two-Bit Reflectarray Element Using Cut-Ring Patch Coupled to Delay Lines

Binh Duong Nguyen, Van-Su Tran, Linh Mai, Phuc Dinh-Hoang


In this paper, a two-bit element for reflectarray applications is presented. The proposed element is based on the cut-ring patch coupled to delay lines through an annular slot. The four states of the reflection phase with a step of 90◦ are achieved with two switches. This reported work is the first step towards the 2-bit active reflectarray element. Prototypes of the element have been fabricated and characterized in X-band using waveguide simulator. Measured results show good characteristics with low magnitude losses and the bandwidth of 1.7-bit resolution is over 5%.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21553/rev-jec.97

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