Opportunistic Unsynchronized Cognitive Radio Networks

Maurice Bellanger


The challenge of opportunistic networks is to maximize the usage of the spectrum by offering quick and easy access to independent systems and their users. A physical layer able to operate efficiently in an unsynchronized environment is needed and it is shown that the filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) technique can meet the objectives in terms of performance and flexibility. Then, a protocol must be developed to ensure global convergence and an overall transmission capacity close to the optimal possible value at a given place and a given time. An approach called “good neighbour” is presented, which consists of building the capacity requested by the users through a threshold regulated local search and with minimum changes in frequency band allocation to reduce interference non-stationarity to other systems. Finally, potential applications of opportunistic networks are reviewed and the conditions for proliferation of this kind of network are discussed.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21553/rev-jec.5

Copyright (c) 2011 REV Journal on Electronics and Communications

ISSN: 1859-378X

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Radio and Electronics Association of Vietnam
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