A Novel Joint Blocking and Ringing Artifact Reduction using Advanced Beltrami Based Texture Maps

Thai Van Nguyen, Tuan Hong Do, Dung Trung Vo


This paper proposes a novel image enhancement approach using advanced texture maps together with isotropic or directional fuzzy filters. Texture maps of original images or compressed images are estimated and then are used to control the filter’s strength. The aim is to reduce blocking and ringing artifacts while preserving the sharpness of compressed images. The spread parameter of fuzzy filters plays an important role to control deblocking and deringing process. Thus, the spread parameter is optimized to obtain the highest image quality. The proposed algorithm also simultaneously combines deblocking and deringing schemes to reduce the algorithm’s complexity. Simulation results show that the proposed fuzzy filtering scheme achieves the best visual quality, SSIM, and PSNR values among existing methods.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21553/rev-jec.136

Copyright (c) 2017 REV Journal on Electronics and Communications

ISSN: 1859-378X

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Radio and Electronics Association of Vietnam
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