New Algorithm for Detecting Target on the Clutter Background Using Polarimetric Parameter

Hung Trong Pham, Nghia Minh Pham, Thanh Trung Nguyen


This paper proposes a new algorithm for detecting radar targets on the clutter background using a nonenergy polarimetry parameter, the ellipticity coefficient. The algorithm ultilises two-level threshold dectector (is used in this algorithm). Probability density function of ellipticity coefficient is calculated for two classes of target: target in clutter and only clutter. The optimum detection threshold is calculated based on the Neyman-Pearson criteria. In this paper, the detection threshold and the probability of detection are calculated based on a given false alarm, different signal to background clutter ratios, and with different polarimetric features of the background clutter. Proposed algorithm shows the efficiency of using ellipticity coefficient in detecting target on the background clutter.

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